Author Archives: daniel.f.lim
Interview: John Searle (Minds, Brains, and Programs)
Interview: Giulio Tononi (Integrated Information Theory)
Interview: Ned Block (Functionalism)
Interview: Frank Jackson (Epiphenomenal Qualia)
AI Ethics Conference
The online AI Ethics Conference will be held on 4-6 November 2020 (China Time). This conference will consist of panel discussions focusing on the following four topics: safety, justice, morality, and privacy. Each panel discussion will: (i) begin with 15 minute opening statements from each expert, (ii) be followed by a time for experts to ask each other questions, and (iii) end with a moderated Q&A with the audience.
6th Beijing Analytic Philosophy Conference
The 6th Beijing Analytic Philosophy Conference will be held on 1 June 2019. The conference theme is morality, agents, and action but papers in all areas of philosophy will be considered.
The keynote speaker is Shaun Nichols from the University of Arizona.
Shaun Nichols: Free Will and Moral Responsibility
Shaun Nichols, Professor of Philosophy at University of Arizona will be visiting Renmin University from 27-31 May 2019 to give lectures on Free Will and Moral Responsibility.
Daniel Seng: Artificial Intelligence and the Law
Daniel Seng, Associate Professor of Law at the National University of Singapore will be visiting Renmin University from 26-30 November 2018 to give lectures on Artificial Intelligence and the Law.
Justin Sytsma: Experimental Philosophy Lectures
Justin Sytsma (Victoria) will be visiting Renmin University from 23-8 April 2018 to give lectures on experimental philosophy with an emphasis on consciousness and pain.